So due to the ridiculous amounts of reading I've been having to do for school. The blogging inbetween classes at school hasn't really been working out. So I'm taking a study break to blog for y'all (on a saturday morning..ha ha...) Okay i promised some pictures from a lot of things, so here are some of the nieces and nephews and rosie while she was here.
This is cute little sophie buns. I'm pretty sure she's the happiest baby i've ever come in contact with. she rarely cries is so happy! I love it!
Here is Rosie and Ollie. Or Whoa-zee, as Ollie likes to call her. Look how long Rosie's hair is getting! What an accomplishment. I'm so happy for her!
Then of course there was sushi night with the frousins! Ha ha (For those of you who don't know what a frousin is, it's friend that's a cousin or vice versa, props to Ashley A. for being a word genius).
This is our friend doug jumpig me over post sushi with the girls. He didn't even touch me and he's totally clearing me! He's got skills, what can I say? That night Nani and Doug also had an "awkward moves" dance off. I think I have a video from it. I'll post it if I can. Ha's splendid.
The next week we went to Pudding on the Rice. It was good for the first few bites and then I couldn't really handle it anymore. This is our attempt to take a picture of all of the cousins (hence the white on the bottom of the picture 'cause it's sittin on a wall).
I love love l-o-v-e spending time with the cousins. People seriously are unable to handle us when the four of us are together. We were at my friend's apartment last week and his roommate came home and we were just being loud and out of control as usual and it was "A" game night (ha ha pretty much it's a our fake put on your "a" game to get the boys scheme, but it's the really awkward way to think you're hot, also so funny), so for every boy we see Ash and Deina are up in the window trying to get guys' attention and my friend's roommate continued to look at us like we were psycho (which we were being at the time) and I thought he was going to have an acute heart attack due to discomfort. And we all know that we love AWKWARD! It's probably one of the best human emotions ever. Ha ha....However luckily Nani was sitting next to him and workin her "a" game on him. Every time she touched him, he smiled. Good work Buns!
side note: i've been hanging out with isa and his friends lately and one of the cousins is usually with me. Isa's friend Jay thinks that Nani isn't LDS and Ashley A. is 17 years of age. I don't know why I just told you that...oh well...
Things here are fanatastic! Just busy! I hope y'all are doing well! If you have requests of any picture please let me know. LOVE YOU!
you're alive! :) thanks for letting me have rosie back. I found a High School Musical 2 poster in my cereal box the other morning and thought of you:) CAn't wait to see you at Christmas. I'm entering you in our family pickleball tournament:)
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