Thursday, September 14, 2006

So it looks at though I have moved to Texas where everything is supposedly bigger and better! Crazy...I can't believe that I have already been here for almost four weeks! Since I have been away, I thought that I would be like my lovely sister-in-laws and start my own little blog so y'all can see what I have been up to and so I can tell you all about my "sweet, young life" as Rachel puts it. Ha ha. Good woman...

Well, I live in a town called Cypress, which is just outside of Houston, with my sister Rosie and her family. They are so much fun! It's also nice to be able to be around my sister again. She truly is my other half. :D We constantly break out in song and dance every now and then which of course ends up in laughter...we're almost like a High School Musical. Ha ha ;)

As for my so called "sweet, young life" it really isn't all that eventful, which is rather nice. I go to school at Tomball Community College on Mondays and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 5:30; Fridays from 9:00 am to noon. Most of my professors are pretty cool, they are all so different it's fantastic! Although one of them I do have a hard time understanding, because his southern drawl is a little thick. Other than that school's great! I'm also currently looking for a job. (*Random side note: I went job searching last Saturday for four hours. Just yesterday I realized that the voicemail on my phone is not working, which of course is unfortunate because I 1.) don't have my phone with me, 2.) have it turned off, or 3.) just can't find it with how much Miss Ai wanders off with it; which of course makes it difficult for employers to leave a message. Thank goodness for my old roommate Christina! She informed me that something was wrong with it. Luckily that is all fixed so hopefully I'll find a job soon!) Other than school and filling out job applications, I just hang out with the fam bam! The little ones wear me out a lot. But I guess, so does Rosie! Ha ha! We've been doing many paint jobs...Rosie does the painting and I either keep her company and/or load the roller/brush for her. I think we've inhaled too many paint fumes though...

Well, I guess that is about it! Eventually I'll learn to post pictures and what not and the blog will be a bit more exciting! Until then...


Anonymous said...

You know what's know that you are alive and well. I am excited to read the chronicalling of your Texas adventures. Hooray.

Sachiyo said...

Lol...thanks. I'm glad you're alive too. How's school and work going?